NCC had a four-day Bible Club for the Church kids and others. The club included Bible lessons (Jesus can heal, Jesus can save, Jesus can quench your thirst and Jesus can care for you). It also incorporated crafts sessions, activities, singing and food. All the workers were from our Church adults and youth. It was a joyful and binding time for all.
Christine has finished her doctoral degree in Christian marriage and family counseling, and has been graduated from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary at May 2017. We’re praying that she would be used by the Lord to bring reconciliation to family relationships.
The New covenant youth in our Church participated in a field trip to the north. They had great fun, good food and special fellowship. They are very excited about their faith and friendships. Our vision to take them out of there comfort zone, and still practise there faith in there normal life. Please pray for them as they seek to know God more and Make Him Known As you all know the country faced two weeks ago a major crisis. Fire blaze destroyed many houses and burned hundreds of acres in Haifa and around the country. The New Covenant Church was in the foreground to prepare hundreds of sandwiches for the firefighters in Haifa. . Many care packages were prepared for the effected families to help them in this difficult time. Teams of people are prepared to help in the makeover of the homes that were not totally damaged. Let us pray together that the Lord will use this circumstances for unity, love and peace. March 9, 2013 was a joyous occasion for us at the Cross Media Studios. That evening about 130 people gathered in the newly-renovated facilities to dedicate the premises to the Lord and to celebrate God’s work among us. It was truly an evening of righteousness, joy, and peace in the Spirit. Guests included, visitors and members of the New Covenant Church, the studio ministry team, representatives of the Council of Evangelical Churches in Israel, friends from sister congregations, leaders from the Messianic and Arab Christian communities, volunteers from the various stages of Cross Media’s history, and even the honorable mayor of Haifa, Mr. Yonah Yahav. Video greetings were sent by key friends and supporters who could not be present. Several themes ran through the night in the words of those who spoke, in the presentation of the video history of the ministry, and in the prayer and fellowship. It was a night of grateful remembrance of the journey on which the Lord has taken us at Cross Media, a journey from one room and a computer to the place we are today. It was a night to recall the small, even improbable, beginnings; a night to look ahead with expectation to the calling placed before us—transmitting Good News to the waiting youth of a spiritually thirsty Arab world. It was a night of challenge to our faith, a challenge to take whatever small resources we’ve been given and return them to the mighty, wonder-working hand of our God. It was an evening of excitement about still more opportunities (for example, our new push into production for satellite TV). The evidence of the abundance and generosity of God is all around us, witnessed to by the beautiful studio facilities we now enjoy. Thank you all for your interest, your care, and your commitment to our work in the Master’s field. May the Lord empower our team and this place so that his hope may resound throughout Israel and the Middle East, and to the ends of the earth. On Thursday May 19 2011, the Haifa New Covenant Church, with the cooperation and support of local and international Christian organizations, undertook a wonderful humanitarian project to provide basic staples and supplies for the city’s needy families. The project was called “Love Haifa.” Parcels and food packs for over 300 families were distributed without reference to religion or ethnic background. Over seventy local and international brothers and sisters volunteered to serve in the preparation and presentation of the care packages to those who came. The honorable Yonah Yahav, mayor of Haifa, embraced the concept and empowered all the relevant departments of the municipality to help the church and brothers and sisters for the success of the endeavor. The municipality also provided the community center, Beit HaGefen, from which to base this project. The municipality Social Welfare Department provided registrations of needy families and invited them to the community center while seeing to strict confidentiality and taking into account the feelings and privacy of these families. It is worth noting that there is a high percentage of underprivileged families here, particularly single-parent homes or divorcees with children. Thus it is incumbent upon all of us to care for them with such expressions of generous love and concern. We take great encouragement and joy from the grateful responses which came from all involved--which points to the fact that kindness still prevails in our beloved city of Haifa. For more photos click here
Most of you by now have heard of the horrible fires that raged near Haifa on Mt. Carmel for the past week. As God's people we pray for his mercy in the situation in general, for those who have lost loved ones and homes, and for the many who bravely fought the blaze. God is answering prayers already, for finally the winter rains have begun. We pray too for a spiritual downpour from heaven's courts! It is our hope that from the ashes of this tragedy, some good would emerge. Perhaps the unusual cooperation that we have seen between Israel and her neighbors can be a small step towards harmony in our region. For more photos please click here In moments of loss and devastation, we must respond in the grace and power of God. The New Covenant Church already has taken some first steps. During the crisis we prepared about 1000 sandwiches and drinks to feed all the people fighting to extinguish the fire. It was a real blessing for all of us to be involved helping those who risked their lives to protect us.
Pray that God would guide us, not only the New Covenant Church, but all the believers, in responding to the needs of our land in the aftermath of this tragedy. One thought is to participate in the massive tree planting efforts that will be needed. In every way, physical, social, and spiritual we want to reflect the love of the Messiah for this people. This is a particular opportunity for that love to be expressed across the traditional barrier of Arab-Jewish hostility. May the Lord redeem many and renew his work in our day! For more photos please click here The New Covenant Church celebrated the baptism of 13 new believers who decided to follow the Lord in baptism. It was in the Jordan River. After that the church gathered in a park for a fellowship picnic. Samer- 23 years ago he had come to faith and served the Lord alongside his friends in a music band. But the lure of fame and pleasure led him away from the Lord and he returned to his old ways in the world. Just a few months ago Samer came back to faith and is serving God. In particular he is playing the drums at church and also helping out with the studio ministry. Rohy and Jihan- Since they met the Lord last January, everything in their life has changed. They were delivered from the bondage of the devil. Both of them found good jobs, and their economic situation is improving. Jihan’s family also has come to the Lord. God has done a great miracle in their lives! You can see more pictures if you Click This Link . This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
2010-09-06 The Party organized by the Sunday School teachers and the youth of the church. Scores of children from the ages of two to twelve were in attendance. The celebration included dances, songs, and entertaining games. Everyone also enjoyed a great performance. At the end, all shared refreshments and sweets and received gifts. We wish all our students and children a successful year and best wishes. 2010-07-07 A few weeks ago, we received an urgent phone call requesting that we "Please come to pray for my dad. He is dying." We entered the emergency room of the main hospital of Haifa and found the whole family waiting outside for this man to breathe his last breath. They told us that he had been in a coma for two days, and that the doctors didn't give much hope for recovery. When we entered the room, we found this man lying on his bed connected to a machine that was pushing oxygen into his lungs to keep him alive. His daughter tried to wake him shouting, "Dad, Dad, wake up!" But there was no reaction or movement. I held his hand and prayed, "God, if this is the time that you want him to come to you, please take him now. If not, please heal him now." A long time after this prayer, there was silence. No one said anything. We returned home, but after four hours, I received a phone call. "Pastor, my dad is awake, and he is eating his dinner!" and he will go home. Glory to God! This 90-year-old man received another chance to live, but this time it is different. He understands that in the coming days, He should live only for the Lord and for His glory. |
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September 2017
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